Young woman smiling after receiving dental bonding

Both veneers and bonding are treatments meant to repair broken, chipped, or discolored teeth. The processes are slightly different, but both are offered here at Haid Dental, so you have multiple options when deciding on a treatment plan to cosmetically alter your smile. 

How are veneers and bonding different?

Veneers are a thin porcelain covering custom-made to bond to your tooth to fix common cosmetic issues like a chipped tooth or discoloration. Once adhered to the tooth, the veneer becomes a permanent part of your smile. On the other hand, bonding is a method used to repair broken or decayed teeth that need more extensive work than a filling can provide, but aren’t damaged enough for a crown. Bonding is a great, cost-effective remedy for chipped teeth, to protect the nerve from a receding gum line, change the shape of a tooth, and correct discoloration. With veneers, the tooth is slightly etched in order to allow space for the veneer material and for the “glue” to adhere to the tooth. Bonding is a simpler treatment, however, bonding will get stained from certain foods and drinks and may not last as long as a veneer. Veneers will provide beautiful cosmetic improvements for the long-term.

What is the process of getting veneers?

First, the dentist will prepare the surface of each tooth that will receive a veneer. After this, an impression of your teeth will be taken and sent off to the lab where your veneers will be made. Once your veneers return from the lab, your dentist will begin the process of bonding them to your teeth. The fit and color of each veneer will be checked and any adjustments will be made. Next, your teeth will be cleaned, polished, and etched, which roughens the surface of the tooth to create a stronger bond. A dental cement will then be applied to your teeth, and the veneer will be placed. Once the cement hardens, your dentist will evaluate the fit of the veneer and will make any further adjustments.

What is the process for getting dental bonding on my teeth?

Our dentist will begin by numbing your mouth and cleaning the tooth that’s receiving the bonding (if there is decay). If necessary, the dentist will remove the decay. The area where the decay was will then be filled with an enamel-like material. If the tooth doesn’t have any decay, the dentist will prepare the tooth for the bonding and place it. The Haid Dental team will choose the appropriate color to match your other teeth. The dentist will apply the bonding material directly to the tooth, and will beautifully shape it for the best look. The bonding will harden, and you’ll be ready to smile with fresh confidence! 

How long do veneers and bonding last?

A terrific advantage of veneers is that they last a long time - approximately 15 years or more - and they resist most staining. Regular consultation with our team will ensure that they maintain their shape and beautiful appearance. Bonding may need to be touched up between 4 and 8 years, depending on factors like hygiene habits, chewing, and a person’s bite. 

If you think you may be a candidate for veneers or bonding, or have any questions about either of these processes, contact or give Haid Dental a call at our Dublin office 614-889-7661 or our Worthington office 614-885-2610.


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